

"Cannot thank Julia enough for all her help and support. I was feeling very defeated with very damaged nipples and incorrect latching. She made a plan and recommended some great creams to get my nipples healed and tweaked my technique to get a good deep latch. I now have the confidence to keep going and finally be healed to breastfeed with no pain. Highly recommend. Thank you again Julia"

~ Emma

"I had my second baby and after an initial great start with breast feeding, I started to doubt myself and if I was helping my baby feed properly and latch. Julia came in for a visit and immediately eased my mind. Her calm nature as she being asked about our journey with feeding to giving me a plan to tweak some minor parts of feeding made a huge difference for our son and for my confidence. Thanks so much Julia, for your advice and support then and since too."

~ Bridget

"Using a lactation consultant was a life changer for me. I felt like I had watched 100 YouTube videos on how to get a good latch and I thought mine was looking good - yet it was still so painful and I was dreading every feed and honestly wasn’t sure if I could keep breastfeeding for much longer. Then I found the More than Milk website and booked an in home consultation. Getting to free drop in clinics in the city was difficult as I still couldn’t drive post c-section, so having someone come to me made sense. Julia contacted me ASAP and came around the next day which was amazing.

She worked out I had Raynaud's which was causing the intense pain. Since then she put me on some supplements which have significantly helped! I still get pain but nothing like before and it is easier to manage now (I can give my nipples a break by pumping). Our Paediatrician even said that I “should be commended for persisting in the presence of undoubted excruciating discomfort from Raynaud's” - and the only way that has been possible was with Julia’s help!"

~ Kim

"I saw Julia the day after I came out of hospital having had a terrible start to breastfeeding as no support was given at the hospital. She made me feel instantly at ease and together we worked on my baby's latch which was contributing to the pain I was in. She identified the problem and was extremely supportive over the following week with follow up emails. Thank you Julia" 

~ Courtney

"I cannot thank Julia enough for the amazing care and ongoing service and support she has given me. If it wasn't for Julia's fantastic knowledge and understanding of babies my wee man would have had an incredibly tough start. Knowing our wee man was growth restricted and going to be an early c section baby Julia created a feeding plan for me. With her guidance I successfully harvested colostrum prior to his birth. Within hours of his birth Julia was at my hospital bedside, administering syringes of my colostrum to him, teaching him to finger suck and helping him latch on. Julia went above and beyond to help us, with many hospital visits to us over the next week! Without her help I have no doubt he would have ended up in Nicu and I most certainly wouldn't be successfully breastfeeding like I am now. Thank you so much Julia!"

~ Cherie

"We saw Julia when my daughter was 10 days old, super sleepy and not gaining weight or meeting expected output targets. She gave me the confidence to continue with our breastfeeding journey and put together a plan to get my daughter back on track and resolve my supply issues. She was sympathetic, kind, knowledgeable and didn’t rush me, and being able to hire a hospital grade pump from her was a huge relief! Her ongoing email support was also so reassuring at a very anxious time. We are now going strong and I’m confident we will be able to carry on breastfeeding successfully. Thanks so much!"

~ Halie

 "Julia helped me to wean my 6 week old off nipple shields and to boost my supply. She was a great support and very friendly. Would recommend to others in need of a private lactation consultant"

~ Alison

"Julia was amazing my son was only a few weeks old when on a Sunday morning I left her a message seeking help. Julia called back and was available that same day to come and see me. She helped me so much in a time of need and if it wasn't for her and the follow up I possibly would have given up as I had raynauds and was in serious pain feeding. Julia picked this up and I have been able to manage feeding since. My son is now nearly 6 months old. Thank you"

~ Gaynor

"Julia was knocking at my door within 24 hours of my call for help. She was absolutely lovely and put me at ease immediately. She was able to identify the problem very quickly and has provided me with ongoing support as I try to get on top of it"

~ Charlotte

"I saw Julia the day after I came out of hospital having had a terrible start to breastfeeding as no support was given at the hospital. She made me feel instantly at ease and together we worked on my baby's latch which was contributing to the pain I was in. She identified the problem and was extremely supportive over the following week with follow up emails.

Thank you Julia" 

~ Courtney
