Online Breastfeeding Course
This one simple breastfeeding technique can prevent pain, bump up your milk production and ensure easier latching for you and your baby . . .

After completing the program, you will know:
» Breastfeeding doesn’t have to be painful and it shouldn’t be!
» The 40 day blueprint to maximise milk production and help you meet your long term goals including returning to work.
» How to relax while breastfeeding so you don’t have to choose between getting your rest and feeding your baby.
» How to prepare your home environment for safety and convenience.
» When you need to get help and where to find it
» The most common reasons breastfeeding derails
Now you can become an expert in Breastfeeding in less than a day!
What am I going to give you . . .
For only $37 you will receive . . .
This home study course is broken down into six modules of innovative insights, practical advice, and more than 60 short comprehensive videos showing actual mothers in real life situations. This course covers everything a new or expectant mother needs to get off to the best start possible so she can experience the warm and satisfying breastfeeding relationship she’s always dreamed of.
Get lifetime access to the Online Breastfeeding Program for a low, one time fee!
We are here to help! We know Breastfeeding can be scary and you may have so many questions - we've got all the tips you may need.
Do you have a question? Send us an email and we'll get back to you with some advice.
More than Milk is a one-woman business run by a mama juggling full-time work and solo parenting. I work on the business at night once my son is asleep. While I do my best to respond within 24 hours, sometimes parenting has other plans! Please allow up to 72H for a response during the week. Weekends are reserved for family time, and we will respond as soon as we can once back online.
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