Signs there may be a problem with feeding
- Urine- less than 6-8 wet nappies in 24hrs
- Stools - fewer than 2 in 24 hrs -
- Jaundice - worsening or not improving
- Lethargic baby
- Not waking for feeds
- Poor tone
- Weight loss greater than 10%
- Fewer than 8 feeds in 24 hrs
- Baby comes on and off the breast frequently during the feed or refuses to breastfeed
- No change in sucking pattern or noisy feeding eg clicking
- Baby consistently feeds for less than 5 minutes or longer than 40 minutes
- Baby does not release breast spontaneously
- Baby unsettled after feeding
- Mishapen or pinched nipples at the end of feeds
- Nipples sore or damaged, engorgement or mastitis
If you said yes to any of these things above it would be worth having a chat and making a time for a consultation